Monday, May 18, 2009

Fashion World War: REDUX

It was recently pointed to me that I was rambling in my Fashion World War post. Yeah I tend to do that a lot when I get passionate about topics that I care about. The world of fashion reminds me of the old days when it was illegal to be black and when I think about the fashion world, I can't help but think about segregational movies like 'The Long Walk Home, The Color Purple, Hotel Rowanda, Do The Right Thing, Roots. Fashion is Racist and I'm not going to be like those black people who used to do Sit In's to eat at all white resturants, because I don't have to anymore. So I'm certainly not going to protest anymore about why blacks are told we won't sell magazine covers. Fuck that start your own shit and believe in it so the people will respond to you and follow.

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