Saturday, August 14, 2010

Section 8 Housing.

The video is even more insane than the picture, this is what we (not black people) but we as humans act when we have greed and gluttony in our systems. Shit Im just as poor as many of these people here, so it's not about class. Can you imagine if there gets to a point where we would be ever fighting for air? Do you see a line? I certainly don't, I just see a bunch of individuals some who I bet don't even need section 8 housing, they just want cheap rent. Honestly I can't blame them for wanting it, shit we all would like cheaper rent. Especially living in the bitten apple, where just about everything is expensive. But there should be a point were, someone should say, this is ridiculous.

What's sad is that it will be something that, I'm sure someone BLACK will say. "See this is why no one take us seriously, because we act like a bunch of niggers". No you and I or whomever reads this blog black or white, are not these people. You see the images and videos of Hurricane Katrina and now this, and some of you group us together. Those people in Atlanta and those in New Orleans are from Atlanta and New Orleans. They make up a very small percentage of "black" people in Amerikkka. Yes if you combine the 120,000 people from N.O. and the 30,000 from ATL you get 150,000 people that are black which is still a small percentage believe it or not.

This also shows why at times it can be dangerous living in Section 8 housing, because you have people that live around you like this. You drop a dollar and you'll have ten people fighting you for it. It has nothing to do with being poor, it's more about your mentality and who you really are. I live across the streets from the projects and back home in D.C. I live next to a section 8 house. What's sad is that these places seem to gravitate towards the most greedy individuals that I have ever seen. I've never in my life witnessed people that enjoy doing nothing but sitting out in front of my Apt complex. Drinking, smoking weed, and gossiping and these are mostly grown folks. Like your mother and grandmother and of course your young dudes too. You'd rather sit and collect welfare checks than really contribute to the world.

Like yall I've really had a conversation with someone who told me. That when they see a girl living in the projects with more than 5 kids, they see them as rich? Yes.....They see them as rich? I heard this once before when I was living in Philly, but I just thought dude was high and didn't know what he was talking about, but yeah this is how it is. The more kids you have the more money you get from the government. Meanwhile you have the struggling single person, that has major plans for themselves and their environment doing the best they can but can't get any work. Have to get denied for cash assistance because they don't have a "family"....this place sucks

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Year Was 1984 BITCH.

Lean on Me ain't got shit on Class of 1984, these kids in this movie were completely insane. The school is filled with drugs and prostitution and drugs, and murder and drugs. It even stars a very young Michael J. Fox before his Family Ties fame.

The movie is about a gang of very fashionable crazy insane bully's. That are terrorizing the school and the teachers, but get away with every thing because they aren't even 18 yet. Like a typical movie there is always one teacher, that comes to change the setting or "save the day". The movie is clearly a far fetched, but the dialogue is awesome, and the characters are very real.

There is a scene in the movie where Michael J. Fox and his friend, are in the bathroom. His friend Jimmy decides that he wants to buy some drugs and test it out before he buys. Yeah, so a couple of hours later he ends up on the flag pole and then leaps to his death.

The fashion in this film is fucking awesome, although these kids were crazy fucks. They all the craziest style ever. Like every scene there was a costume change, that was something that I appreciated it really kept my attention.

So check it out Class of 1984.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rape, Weak, Avoid, Bully, Prey, Hell, Why, Monster, Cry, Hurt, God, Reason, Heaven.

About a month ago my very good friend Frances Bradley. Told me about a murder/rape that happened to a local waitress in Philadelphia at a bar called the PYT. Immediately I was upset and confused, I guess being raised by women and having many female friends. I can't imagine why a man would do such a thing. I wanted to know her race, what she did for a living, what kind of person she was. I wanted to make a quick conclusion, to why someone would do this to her. I've always been a firm believer in calling negative attention to yourself. So I just needed to know, what this girl did to bring such a negative energy to herself that would cost her, her life. Please don't take this post the wrong way, I'm not saying that it was her fault. The circumstances are just so dramatic that it just leaves me with a big question mark in my head. Like what was going on in the boy's head that he would do this? Oh yes this is an 18 year old boy by the way if you can't tell.

How do you go from, wanting to steal some one's bike. To raping her, beating her, and then strangling her with her own bra? With rapist and just many men in general, sex is about domination, the conquering of something that you felt you could never conquer before. We live in a place, where some people call this a man's world. We live in a place where acting like a girl is an insult. I don't have any male friends that are like this, because I'm a firm believer that we are all equal, and also you ARE WHO YOU HANG OUT WITH. I speak highly about this because I know that if this were to ever happen to someone that I love. I can tell you this people, I would lose my mind and comb the streets, hunt you down and take your life. I hate bully's, I hate people who try or do use their power for evil.

Philadelphia is an extreme place for the extreme of balance. Very beautiful and Very ugly. You can achieve so much there, and then lose it all at once. When I first moved there back in 2001, I had a dream that the devil had destroyed the city and everything was red. I knew I had to leave when the energy between me and other people had completely boiled over, and I was getting tired of those around me. My energy had been almost drained, I was losing my power.

Sabina only lived to be 20 years old. For me I want to live to be 126 that is my goal. So 20 is still basically an infant in my eyes. She lost her life because someone looked at her as weak, it brings sadness to my heart to have to type that. She was small and innocent looking, however I bet when he tried to take her bike, he was surprised that this small person more likely had a serious bite. Which enraged him and made him take things to the extreme.

I leave this post by telling all women this. The world that we live in makes it seem like you are weak individuals who need a man to help you throughout this rough life. That is a lie, you are just as strong, and just as smart and just as much the leader than the human with the penis. You are God's not Goddesses, but God's because you more than any man, truly understand life because you have the ability to grow it inside of you. Never give up and continue to fight, and never level yourself to a man. You are you and that is the greatest gift of all.....peace.

Friday, August 6, 2010

They Still Live.

So I know you guys are like is this a movie blog now? No, it's still the same way it used to be, were I talk about everything. I just like to post about films that open our minds a little and allow us to learn. So last month or so, I decided to rent a movie called They Live. Since I was little I've seen bits and pieces of this film, but never in it's entirety. As a 27 year old male that lives in one of the biggest rotten places on earth when it comes to consumerism and class. This film was dead on target for how and where I am living now. It deals with a man who finds these glasses that show him what really is going on in the world around him. For instances when he puts on these shades, instead of seeing an and that for example says MENTOS THE FRESH MAKER, he sees, BUY ME NOW, SPEND YOUR MONEY ON NOTHING.

I was so surprised at how relevant this film is today and it was made in the early 80's. Everywhere you walk around in NYC, you see ad's for something. You also probably encounter people that are rich or wealthy that seem to never have a issues. Although they do have issues, they have issues on another level. The problems that they can relate to you with can be easily fixed with money. But trust me these people have issues as well. What I loved about the film though, was that they portrayed rich and wealthy people as aliens. Who all knew each other and are apart of some weird recruitment to destroy the world and anyone that steps in their way.

I speak for myself when, I have to remind myself constantly that. I am right where I'm supposed to be in life. I wasn't supposed to have money at a young age or wealthy parents, or come from exuberant amounts of family money. Because sometimes when I see or hear about people who live in the Financial District, or live in Soho, or Tribeca and they aren't even 21 years old yet, and their parents are paying for it. Yea I get a little bit frustrated, but everything is how it is supposed to be. I'm getting a lil help yes, but nothing to the extent of those that I read about, or know through other people.

It's Not Always Just Drugs.

Mental illness runs rampant just like disease in various communities. We have all seen the homeless person on the street or on the subway begging for change and smelling like God only knows. Many of us say or think that it's only drugs that have effected this person. Don't get me wrong some are on drugs or just sad alcoholics looking for free ride. But many of them can't help it because they are in fact ill. I'm sure many of you have seen Mia Campbell's infamous vid's on popular sites such as YouTube and I've noticed that many men on these videos mock her and igg her on, and make her say dumb shit out of her mouth. While many of the women that pass her in the videos, fill sorry for her and tell them to leave her alone.

She is a prime example of what Bi-polar disorder is and what happens when you don't take your meds. I myself and my friends Farrah, Monica, Vernon, Tanya and Twee have experienced this same kind of reaction with an old associate of ours. Whom we just figured was just to high off of something, not realizing that in fact he too was seriously ill, and was not taking his meds. However people don't understand what these meds do to these people physically and mentally. Honestly many of them have good reasons to why they don't take their meds, because it sends them into a very zombie like state. Where when they are on them they are not themselves, sadly when they aren't on them they are far worse.

They only thing that we can do is understand and have faith that one day they will get better, and that God or whatever you believe in helps them stay on a positive path. I don't feel sorry for Mia Campbell I feel sorry for those men that use and exploit her. May God have mercy on your soul, because we are all human and the mind has a fine line between insanity and sanity. You can be hit by a car, or grazed by a bullet, or hit in the head and find yourself on the street acting a fool because you can't control yourself. These are our brothers and sister regardless if you want to believe it or not. And as humans we are dominos as long as we are living, and knocking one down knocks us all down.

When you get the chance please read this book 72 HOUR HOLD. It is scary to know that as a writer BeBe Moore Campbell didn't write a fictional book, it is fact, about what happens when you don't take your meds for Bi-polor disorder. It's even scary that she predicted this future for her daughter Mai Campbell.

The Eyes of Laura Mars.

Another fucking great NYC movie that has a combination of my favorite subjects, horror and fashion all mixed up into a lovely fucking bunch. This movie is beautifully done with an awesome cast and awesome acting. With a very very interesting plot that is still relevant today. The best and craziest part about this film is the end, man what a shocker check it out.

Fashion Is The Last Plantation.

Damn man I used to really love fashion, and then it got played out to me. Like when I decided to move to the Fashion Capital....I'm sorry "Fashion Capital". I knew that instantly it would get boring to me. I'm just weird like that, when everyone else goes right, Emerah must go left. It's the only right way for me or else I will be unhappy and suicidal. Anyway after being here for a year, I've gotten so bored with fashion people. Everyone is a stylist, fashion designer, accessories designer, set designer works for a PR Firm etc etc etc etc wtf wtf wtf who cares.

Also I tried to do the fashion thing with some people, but they weren't serious about the business. And after working in a couple of stores and going to enough fashion parties and seeing how it's some weird cult to become discovered by the white man's vogue. I decided that enough is enough with this cliche. I got back to the basic of Emerah before I became Emerah and I was simply Raheem Boggerson. The little kid that YES, liked fashion and being stylish but loved to make horror films a lot more.

And it's so refreshing to me when people ask "so what do you do"? I say "I write horror films". And folks are always like WOW, I've never heard anyone say that before. I've gotten that quite a few times already. People have to understand this, is that NYC shouldn't just be filled with a bunch of kids who are rich offspring, who can afford the latest and most expensive clothing in the world. But that NYC is a place for all kinds of art and all kinds of artist. Yes I still love fashion however it's dominated by a bunch of insecure people who want to fit into the "Cool Kids Club" ie (Vogue Magazine) and any other fashion house or publication that doesn't care for black people.

I hear so much about young black talented designers and models that aren't making it like the white ones. However I never hear of anyone trying to start their own modeling agency or magazine. Everyone wants to do fashion design and hopes that Anna Wintour will accept them, please get Z fuck outta here with that. It's gotten to the point where it seems like in NYC that nothing is new and everyone looks alike which is like...really though? You've got reality stars doing clothing lines, everyone is on this crazy sunglasses kick craze and it's just getting to be too much for me.

A friend of mine named Randal Jacobs said this. Fashion is the last plantation and he is so right . It really is like they don't even want to do a Vogue Africa, are you really shocked at that? I'm not because you've got to keep in mind that Amerikkkan fashion started in the beginnings of this great nation we call the land of the "free". In the starting we were slaves, not even considered human we wore rags or close to nothing at all. While fashion was made for the elite white class, so you can't be really upset because this is the way it has always been when you think about it.

So yeah let's make our own and not discriminate on anyone or any race and change history.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

In Da Club.

So a couple of weeks ago I was invited to go to a birthday party for a popular blogger. Cool. However my friends who were already in the area, got in as soon as possible. Me I love to come fashionably late to any event because that is just what I do. Yeah......not NYC you ain't gonna be doing nothing but standing in a line waiting to get in. The only reasons I stayed in line was because my friends were in there waiting for me and plus duke is a real good person. Oh and I was on the guest list, so I figured I would be in there with no problem.

Im so thankful after 30 mins my friends came out and shitted on the party. It was so sad to see people almost seriously dying to get into this place. Telling the door guy who they where and who they knew. Wow!!! Has it really come to that? No it's always been like that? And I've talked about this before how these would be the same people, who will trample over you if GOD came down with pearly gates and it was only on a first come first serve basis, to enter heaven. Then God would trick these people by opening false gates that really lead to HELL. That would weed out all of the fucked up individuals that roam and sadly balance this world.


Okay one thing I love about life, is that there are so many things that I haven't discovered yet. So many people and places that are outta this world, just waiting for me to meet. I just happened to be looking at people's comments on YouTube one day, and someone was on there talking about a movie called Liquid Sky.

I typed it in and saw the trailer and was instantly hyped. This movie has a bad and sometimes irritating score. But this movie made in the famous year of 1982, shows New York in it's ultimate prime and grime. This chick lives literally across from the Empire State Building? Now across the street from the Empire State are lousy retail stores such as BeBe, FootLocker, and Desigual.

It has everything fashion, art, and realness..Check it out.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Mean uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

You punish me for telling you my fantasies, I'm breaking all the rules I didn't make. You took my words and made a trap for silly fools. You held me down and tried to make me break...oh yeah I did break.

You wanted to always find something to be mad about, I gave you something to be mad about. You walk this earth with insecurity which makes you a sad human. You can trip, fumble and fall and want forgiveness, but no one else can.

You rarely smile in pictures taken of you by other people, and the part of town you are from people have always told me about your kind. I should have kept all of this in mind.

Remember When.

Does anyone remember when I was in love with Amber Rose? Yeah, she's still cool but a year later we still haven't seen any substance in her being. Besides being sexy, bald, and wearing shades everywhere she goes. Appearences at ghetto ass clubs in ATL can really drain your cool points. Like you should have done at least SOME acting in SOMETHING (not a reality show). Or like being on the cover of VOGUE SOMETHING...naw you on the cover of HIP HOP WEEKLY? (ahem).....

These Philly Girls are just like a flame, hot then they burn quick......damn

The Games, Shut Down....Sorry.

The thing I like about this wack ass cliche blog shit. Is that I can fully write anything I want, you don't like it? Then don't bother tuning in, it's as simple as that. Everything I write on here, is something that is on my mind, or that has been on my mind. This is never a situation where I want to make amends with something by using a secret code or language, that I have let go or is now my past.

I don't need to hide my emotions, and those that have encountered me know that. I speak if I'm hurt, by saying I am hurt. I say when I am mad, by saying I am mad, or just cursing your life. By no means is this a situation, where I'm trying to say sorry, or let's make it work.. Those days are long gone.

I just felt like speaking about a certain moment of how I was feeling, and what exactly goes through my mind. So there honestly is really no need for any response....hmmm what's that Bobby Valentino song that I like so much?.......anyway it's good to be on here again and remember boys and girls. If you ever have to question it, let it go.


Your so vain, you probably think this post is about you too. Your soooo vain you probably think this post is about you don't you? Don't You. Me and Janet are thick as thieves and if it wasn't for those dam clouds, there would be no CLOUDS in my COFFEE CLOUDS in my COOOOFFEEEEE.

It's gonna be a show down knock down, drag out gun slinger shoot'em up.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I just came from seeing this movie called Who Killed Nancy. Nancy Spungen was a crazy loud mouth punk rock groupie from Philly (really?Noooo?) Any who she and Sid Vicious from The Sex Pistols, had a very crazy, die young and kinda pretty, heroine filled lifestyle. After a crazy party in the Chelsea Hotel. Sid woke up to find Nancy in the bathroom, underneath the sink dead from a single stab wound in her stomach.

Police said fuck everybody else SID was the reason for her death. However the movie tells a very eerie different story.

Nigga is you back?