Thursday, July 30, 2009

And just like that I no longer want these...sigh.... The Jasper Kanye's that is...

Mr Anthony, like your not even rocking this outfit at all number one. You look like somebody that can buy expensive clothes, and clearly the clothes are wearing you. That Gucci cardigan has been worn by other celebs on the red carpet, so you lose on that note..

Are those Khaki's? Some people can do the "I'm different" thing and wear small clothes, but you can't. Your a basketball player so I don't expect much in the style department. But you clearly were trying so I had to give it to you..


With confidence you can pull anything off..


So I work at Barnes and Nobel in the pricing section. So of course I come across all types of books and magazine, gifts etc. I came across a book entitled: Dangerous Intimacy 10 African American Men with HIV.....

We are not helping the whole aura of "The Scary Black Man" by putting out this kind of information. How about 10 Men with HIV, rather than putting black men on blast like this. Or how about "10 Women That Have Unprotect Sex With Men That They Don't Know". I understand awareness and all, but damn.

If I were an alien that landed on this earth. Learned everything I need to know through media, and books. I would think that all black people are infected with HIV and AIDS.

I know that I have talked about this before, however I came across this book yesterday. So since ignorance likes to come back I've got to put it on blast.

Until you get tested Everyone in my opinion has something that I don't want.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Taking It Back

So Gay people you can go back to having your pink triangle as your "logo". 

I agree on Kanye and Taz 100% 

The Rainbow should be the American Flag. It makes sense doesn't it? All these different kinds of cultures and people that live here show a conglomerate of the Human Race.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear Asher Roth.

Here we go again, somebody in your team is clearly trying to copy off the blueprint of Slim Shady.
You already sound like him, and your white, and now your doing this...

Im sure many of you have seen this pic of Eminem from DLC. Circa: A long ass time ago

Elm St.

This better be good.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

R.I.P Dash Snow.


Emerah Raheem Boggerson

If your going to except and be happy that people like you. Your going to have to do the same with the opposite. 

Besides it'll just get boring if everyone liked you.


This guy here is Kanye's barber and I also believe stylist. Anyway many people don't know who he is because he's not a celebrity...yet. So seeing this "regular guy" at the club or out and about. Rocking this outfit, which I'm really feeling (because it's allowing the sneakers to speak)and those lovely Jaspers, it becomes so much more effective...more effective than Kid Cudi wearing them I tell you that much.

I stole this pic and the one of Kid Cudi from his page

Not Effective.

Your a celebrity now Kid Cudi. So it's not effective when you are wearing the Patchwork LV Don's. 

I expect you to be able to afford these.

I expect you to have them because you are under his label. So stop stunting in this photo like your a regular person.

Besides you ain't even rocking them right whatever.

I'm Not Responsible for You.

Some black people hate themselves, some black people hate they're kinky hair and that's okay, because that's their decision. Having variety can be fun for some people. So let's not judge others about ones actions. And appreciate the fact that we are all a different people.

You will read my ignorance in the latter post:

Natural= I Love Myself? Maybe Your Hair But Not Your Ass.

Because you have natural hairstyles does this make you more realer? Does this make you conscious and more aware of your black culture? 

So I guess you don't have any insecurities? Are you just boring? Where Da Weed At?

In my own personal experience, women that go for that Natural Lifestyle. Tend to have a lot of sexual energy that can easily be confused with being, easy, whore like, and jumpoffish.....

I'm just saying, you talking about Keisha and her friends that like to emulate BeyoWolf I mean Beyonce. With their freakum dresses and gallazades of weave. Interesting though what I've noticed is that a lot of those "kind of girls" go home alone after leaving the club. 

While your Back To Africa, lapa wearing, natural sista has gone through more men than Keisha and her friends combined. 

It's only fair if we are going to point out black women, who perm they're hair as sell outs. Natural "sista's" gotta have they're cards pulled to, fuck that, cause them natural chicks be fucking.

Perming=Self Hate?

To those black women out there, because you perm your hair. Does this mean that you hate yourself? Why do you perm your hair? Do you want to be white?

Or do you just like the versatility? Or maybe you just don't like having kinky hair? But does that mean you have been brainwashed to not like yourself?

And does that shit even look healthy?.....I mean really c'mon.

Think about it and get back to me.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Do You Believe In The Indigo Children?

During the later part of the Seventies a woman called Nancy Ann Tappe noticed a change taking place in the colour of Children’s auras. She did a lot of work in China and taught at the University of San Diego. As part of her research and study she published a book in 1982 called Understanding Your Life Through Color. In that, this is where the first mention of indigo is talked about. Lee Carol and Jan Tober, authors of The Indigo Children and Indigo Celebration presented Tappe’s research on varying colours of the aura.

Tappe recognized that after 1980 about 80% of the babies being born had this aura around them that she equated to their life mission and their life colour. It was what she called Indigo. As of 1990 she realized that there were about 90% being born. Indigo is the colour of the third eye chakra, which is an energy centre inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits, so many of the Indigo Children are classed as clairvoyant. 
Nancy was able to carry out this unique research because she has a medical diagnosis of Synesthesia. That's where two neurological systems become crossed so that the senses get reversed. She actually sees like a Kirlian camera. What seems to be her dysfunction has ended up being a great gift.

The Indigo Children have a warrior nature, a ‘rebel with a cause’ personality with absolutely no guilt. They are often labelled as hyperactive or aggressive, but this is their purpose. They are here to break down old and outmoded systems – legal, educational, medical, you name it, these kids are here to force honesty and integrity on a global level. Telepathy and other psychic abilities are rife amongst the Indigo’s, which is leading us into a telepathic society. A society that must be based on the ‘indigo’ principles for it to function. Telepathy cannot work if dishonesty and deceit are present. We must remember that Indigo’s have been coming in for about 25 years now, so it won’t be long before they get into positions of power to enable the changes they are destined for. They are natural leaders, hacking away the old and leaving an open path for the new children. 

The Indigo’s are frequently mis-diagnosed with Attention Deficit disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is because of their warrior nature. Parents can’t handle this intense energy and think the only way to calm them down is to numb them with powerful pharmaceutical psycho-stimulant drugs. Ritalin is an example of such a drug that has been known to cause severe side effects that have lasted for years. Teachers in America even recommend that parents give Ritalin to their children! According to Nancy Ann Tappe, these Children have right and left brain alignment, something people on the spiritual path strive for throughout our lifetime. They are also very sensitive, have psychic abilities and possess incredible wisdom, as though they are old souls in young bodies. Evidence for the reincarnation process is becoming a reality as more and more of these children remember their past lives. Some remember all of their past lives as we shall see later. 

Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life books and an early advocate of the Children, heard many reports from parents about the incredible intelligence these kids have. It seems that schools cannot contain this innate quality and therefore label them with these disorders. But some of these children have extremely high IQ’s. Some at genius level of 160, and many at around 130. It’s not that their attention is distracted or they can’t concentrate, it’s more to do with the fact that they process information very quickly and understand things intuitively, which leads to extreme boredom in these kids’ minds. Basically they get frustrated with outdated and outmoded teaching dogma and therefore ‘play up’ to the teachers. Nancy Ann Tappe says, "Indigos are like 220 volts placed into 110 wiring." We can’t contain these children in these environments any more. It’s not the kids who have to change, it’s the system that has to, and fortunately this is becoming more and more recognised by certain governments around the world. The Super-Psychics of China are an example of this.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Still scary and inspiring after all these years.

You Ain't Doing Nothing.

So out of everyone at the Diddy White Party. I see this groupie holding up what......a fucking Louis Vuitton bag.

You can tell by her face that she is so hyped that she is at the Diddy Party. She was like "I'ma bring my Louis wit me to match". 

Chick please you are surrounded by people who make millions of dollars, that basic ass Louis bag ain't impressing anybody.

Racist White People.

I work at this dive bar called Medusa Lounge in Philadelphia. The clubs harbors mostly young white hipsters. 

Oh boy when young white hipsters get drunk. So I'm taking the garbage out at the end of the night, and I hear this white girl coming out of the club explaining an incident that happen to her at Medusa.

She was like " I just called a black guy a NIGGER, and I don't give a fuck!....(in my Becky voice)....

Anyway, I saw her look over my way as if I was supposed to get rowdy with her or something.
Honestly that shit is expected from someone of any race, when they get backed into a corner or feel like they have to defend themselves. With what they think might be a hurtful term.

What Becky and any other race that thinks this racial term hurts needs to know in 2009. NIGGER isn't effective anymore, this isn't the 40's or the early 90's for that matter. Black people have taken that word and now we own it.

So your going to have to do better than that, dude on the bike at the red light...


Hello, I'm a Taxi and I judge people by colour. So if one black man robs me, then all black men will rob me.

I'm Narrow Minded.
I'm Racist.
I'm probably not Amerikan.
I'm Scared.
All White/Asian/and Indian people are nice med students.
I don't like Black Amerikan's, but who does?
I'm Prejudice.
If your Black and hailing a cab, you must live in a bad neighborhood.
Bad Neighborhoods frequent BIG BLACK GUYS.
I can save honest white people with my car, from black people.

I Like My Men's Ruff

I was scared for his career for a lil min. You know you beat up a girl, we see her pics not yours but hers. We judge you and say your a bad man, and then that's the end of your career right?

Well no....I guess.  I'm a big fan of entertainment media (blogs), and one thing that I have noticed, is that many girls are not fazed by Chris Brown being violent towards anyone. From many of the comments left by  young girls, there's an overall "I LOVE DAT BOY NO MATTER WHAT" opinion. 

Not judging the guy at all, because we don't know exactly what took place, and if that photo of Rhianna never leaked. Then we might not have cared as much as we do, or did.

I just posted  this because I'm surprised that girls still love him....But then again GIRLS still love R.Kelly so whatever...

Does Sex Still Sell?


Does this pic do anything for you? I ask because I recently found myself in a discussion, about whether or not sex still sales.

If that were the case then Ciara should be diamond in her sells right now. You know with her Lil single with JT called Love, Sex and Magic.

The Internet provides us with unlocking all kinds of hidden fetishes we may have. So when artist think they are being controversial (Dream and Christina Milian on the Last Vibe Cover) they just don't get it that it's not effective anymore.

I can seriously type into google whatever my heart desires. So I'm not intrigued by racy Calvin Klein ads, or seeing Britney's vajayjay blasted all over the net. 

Let's Find A New Way To Market People... I mean if sex sells still, I should have 30 followers by next week.

And you might not like the fact that I posted this pic. That's too bad, cause some of you need to have sex bruised into your brains to make you tired of it. To keep your promiscuous ass from catching some shit.


Have Your Cake and Ice Cream B4 You Rest Eternally.

Steve Mcnair is and should be an example to all male athletes. That there are always consequences to your actions good or bad. 

He decided that he, just like many male athletes would have a wife and a serious jump off on the side. 

Well the jump off wasn't having it anymore. Not only did she shoot Steve multiple times killing him, but she then turned the gun on herself.....WOW!

I bet he didn't see that coming. Folks if you can't be faithful to the person that you are married to, then don't even bother. To us this news is like, "Damn, or Whatever". But to his wife and his baby girl. This story is scary, crazy, and heartbreaking.

Her husband's secret life took his, and  his baby girl will have to cope with the fact that. Her daddy was killed by his secret girlfriend, and that he maybe didn't love her mother all like that.

I feel that in the future her choices in relationships HOPEFULLY will be wise ones.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hey Yall I Made A Mistake.

Lil Wayne's Baby Mama?

HollyWood Loves All People of Colour.

1 - Angelina Jolie, $27 million
2 - Jennifer Aniston, $25 million
3 - Meryl Streep, $24 million
4 - Sarah Jessica Parker, $23 million
5 - Cameron Diaz, $20 million
6 - Sandra Bullock, $15 million
6 - Reese Witherspoon, $15 million
8 - Nicole Kidman, $12 million
8 - Drew Barrymore, $12 million
10 - Renee Zellweger, $10 million
11 - Cate Blanchett, $8 million
12 - Anne Hathaway, $7 million
12 - Halle Berry, $7 million
14 - Scarlett Johansson, $5.5 million
15 - Kate Winslet, $2 million

What does Jennifer Aniston do again, to earn so much money?

I wonder how much Selma Hayeck earns?

Anne Hathaway (The Girl From Devil Wears Prada) makes more money than Angela Bassett?

Renee Zellweger makes more money than Sandra Oh ( Asian woman on Grey's Anatomy)?


Verbal from the Teriyaki  boyz had this piece custom made. I like and I appreciate these a lot better than those Jesus Pieces...please.

It's also kinda scary looking, imagine being a child and staring at this in the night while everyone is asleep.

Oh Hells Yes

The fringe shirt can be done right. Like you can rock a basic color tee underneath....solid or sheer.

The sheer shirts I always rock something underneath, me personally I'm not into showing my nipples.  And by sheer I do mean color shirts, the ones in American Apparel, they last forever. You can get them in all kinds of colors and color mixes.

What She Said.

Jeanette Izdabes
IzdabesIcon_lock@emerah someone has on some purple prada sports" on - right next to me. I've been swaggered!"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Don't Be So Blue.

 Anonymous said...

i think you are afraid of the truth. copy and paste that link and check out your fashionista. lol. amber rose = store bought . can i get a response pls

So Anonymous you've got my undivided attention. Okay yes, I do post on Amber Rose a lot I can't help it. 

And we all have our off days at some point, let's be real.

So because You (anonymous) can't stand her look at her some more until you love it.

Think About Her, Think About Her, Think About Her........

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Lil Kim is Responsible for.

Her following has most certainly FOLLOWED HER....

Like where is the voice of reason in your head? 

Are you that totally out of touch, that you don't know enough is enough?

You don't even look like a real person.

I get inspiration to make scary movies looking at your face and body....sorry

The other side of this story is that word on the street, is that this person died in Mexico injecting foreign materials into their body.....

Did you hear that Angel Lola Luv?

Umm No.

Sorry It's not effective anymore, am I the only one that doesn't get it...Undrcrwn this is not the 90's anymore or 2005 for that matter.

Graphic Tee's are not what is up in late 2009-2010

Besides Ron doesn't even work for you all anymore, so this is basically all you have.

No I don't come at Undrcrwn because Ron doesn't deal with them anymore, this shit has always been wack. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Beyonce: Maybe now that your here Amber, hoodrats will stop copying my style and wearing massive amounts of weave which you know can smell at times.

Amber: mmmmmm get off my dick or put a ring on it...

Kanye: Yall see how Beyonce  trying get to know Amber on the low right?

Amber: Don't pay her no attention baby she's so 09'. I'm here now.

Guess Who I Am?



Cause It's Style is Identical to None.

I'm outshining both of you, and I've only been on the scene for 2 months..

The Time Has Come.

So If you heard maybe you didn't, but VIBE magazine has now folded. What a sad way to go VIBE, you've got Fat Neck and Fuck 4 Tracks as your last cover.............

Tell me you blacks aren't being lazy again, and copying off the Rolling Stone cover with Janet having her tata's covered by random hands?

I grew with this magazine, like since 93' I've been on it. But I've also grown to Ace Ventura my face as the years went by with some of the bullshit that they have been putting out.

These 2 as the last cover?

Can You Spot The Louis?

This guy is named Trey Tymes, please don't take this as a diss. Hey for all I know these are probably his off days in these photos. The mistake that many young black guys make, who come into money is abusing what they think is fashion. We've already discussed that Louis Vuitton isn't a fan of the "Dark Ones", so there is no need to take it there again. 

Style doesn't have to be a blasted logo/logo's on any parts of your body, to let me know that you are stylish. Let's be real here, Louis isn't paying you for this so stop sponsoring their generic shit. 

Aside from the monograms, this guy has style which is why I'm coming at him....

Sorry You've Got Swagger!!