I work at this dive bar called Medusa Lounge in Philadelphia. The clubs harbors mostly young white hipsters.
Oh boy when young white hipsters get drunk. So I'm taking the garbage out at the end of the night, and I hear this white girl coming out of the club explaining an incident that happen to her at Medusa.
She was like " I just called a black guy a NIGGER, and I don't give a fuck!....(in my Becky voice)....
Anyway, I saw her look over my way as if I was supposed to get rowdy with her or something.
Honestly that shit is expected from someone of any race, when they get backed into a corner or feel like they have to defend themselves. With what they think might be a hurtful term.
What Becky and any other race that thinks this racial term hurts needs to know in 2009. NIGGER isn't effective anymore, this isn't the 40's or the early 90's for that matter. Black people have taken that word and now we own it.
So your going to have to do better than that, dude on the bike at the red light...
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