And just like that I no longer want these...sigh.... The Jasper Kanye's that is...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
And just like that I no longer want these...sigh.... The Jasper Kanye's that is...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Taking It Back
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dear Asher Roth.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Emerah Raheem Boggerson
This guy here is Kanye's barber and I also believe stylist. Anyway many people don't know who he is because he's not a celebrity...yet. So seeing this "regular guy" at the club or out and about. Rocking this outfit, which I'm really feeling (because it's allowing the sneakers to speak)and those lovely Jaspers, it becomes so much more effective...more effective than Kid Cudi wearing them I tell you that much.
Not Effective.
Your a celebrity now Kid Cudi. So it's not effective when you are wearing the Patchwork LV Don's.
I'm Not Responsible for You.
Some black people hate themselves, some black people hate they're kinky hair and that's okay, because that's their decision. Having variety can be fun for some people. So let's not judge others about ones actions. And appreciate the fact that we are all a different people.
Natural= I Love Myself? Maybe Your Hair But Not Your Ass.
Perming=Self Hate?
To those black women out there, because you perm your hair. Does this mean that you hate yourself? Why do you perm your hair? Do you want to be white?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Do You Believe In The Indigo Children?
During the later part of the Seventies a woman called Nancy Ann Tappe noticed a change taking place in the colour of Children’s auras. She did a lot of work in China and taught at the University of San Diego. As part of her research and study she published a book in 1982 called Understanding Your Life Through Color. In that, this is where the first mention of indigo is talked about. Lee Carol and Jan Tober, authors of The Indigo Children and Indigo Celebration presented Tappe’s research on varying colours of the aura.
Tappe recognized that after 1980 about 80% of the babies being born had this aura around them that she equated to their life mission and their life colour. It was what she called Indigo. As of 1990 she realized that there were about 90% being born. Indigo is the colour of the third eye chakra, which is an energy centre inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits, so many of the Indigo Children are classed as clairvoyant.
Nancy was able to carry out this unique research because she has a medical diagnosis of Synesthesia. That's where two neurological systems become crossed so that the senses get reversed. She actually sees like a Kirlian camera. What seems to be her dysfunction has ended up being a great gift.
The Indigo Children have a warrior nature, a ‘rebel with a cause’ personality with absolutely no guilt. They are often labelled as hyperactive or aggressive, but this is their purpose. They are here to break down old and outmoded systems – legal, educational, medical, you name it, these kids are here to force honesty and integrity on a global level. Telepathy and other psychic abilities are rife amongst the Indigo’s, which is leading us into a telepathic society. A society that must be based on the ‘indigo’ principles for it to function. Telepathy cannot work if dishonesty and deceit are present. We must remember that Indigo’s have been coming in for about 25 years now, so it won’t be long before they get into positions of power to enable the changes they are destined for. They are natural leaders, hacking away the old and leaving an open path for the new children.
The Indigo’s are frequently mis-diagnosed with Attention Deficit disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is because of their warrior nature. Parents can’t handle this intense energy and think the only way to calm them down is to numb them with powerful pharmaceutical psycho-stimulant drugs. Ritalin is an example of such a drug that has been known to cause severe side effects that have lasted for years. Teachers in America even recommend that parents give Ritalin to their children! According to Nancy Ann Tappe, these Children have right and left brain alignment, something people on the spiritual path strive for throughout our lifetime. They are also very sensitive, have psychic abilities and possess incredible wisdom, as though they are old souls in young bodies. Evidence for the reincarnation process is becoming a reality as more and more of these children remember their past lives. Some remember all of their past lives as we shall see later.
Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life books and an early advocate of the Children, heard many reports from parents about the incredible intelligence these kids have. It seems that schools cannot contain this innate quality and therefore label them with these disorders. But some of these children have extremely high IQ’s. Some at genius level of 160, and many at around 130. It’s not that their attention is distracted or they can’t concentrate, it’s more to do with the fact that they process information very quickly and understand things intuitively, which leads to extreme boredom in these kids’ minds. Basically they get frustrated with outdated and outmoded teaching dogma and therefore ‘play up’ to the teachers. Nancy Ann Tappe says, "Indigos are like 220 volts placed into 110 wiring." We can’t contain these children in these environments any more. It’s not the kids who have to change, it’s the system that has to, and fortunately this is becoming more and more recognised by certain governments around the world. The Super-Psychics of China are an example of this.
Monday, July 6, 2009
You Ain't Doing Nothing.
So out of everyone at the Diddy White Party. I see this groupie holding up what......a fucking Louis Vuitton bag.
Racist White People.
I work at this dive bar called Medusa Lounge in Philadelphia. The clubs harbors mostly young white hipsters.
Hello, I'm a Taxi and I judge people by colour. So if one black man robs me, then all black men will rob me.
I Like My Men's Ruff
I was scared for his career for a lil min. You know you beat up a girl, we see her pics not yours but hers. We judge you and say your a bad man, and then that's the end of your career right?
Does Sex Still Sell?
Have Your Cake and Ice Cream B4 You Rest Eternally.
Steve Mcnair is and should be an example to all male athletes. That there are always consequences to your actions good or bad.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
HollyWood Loves All People of Colour.
2 - Jennifer Aniston, $25 million
3 - Meryl Streep, $24 million
4 - Sarah Jessica Parker, $23 million
5 - Cameron Diaz, $20 million
6 - Sandra Bullock, $15 million
6 - Reese Witherspoon, $15 million
8 - Nicole Kidman, $12 million
8 - Drew Barrymore, $12 million
10 - Renee Zellweger, $10 million
11 - Cate Blanchett, $8 million
12 - Anne Hathaway, $7 million
12 - Halle Berry, $7 million
14 - Scarlett Johansson, $5.5 million
15 - Kate Winslet, $2 million
Oh Hells Yes
The fringe shirt can be done right. Like you can rock a basic color tee underneath....solid or sheer.
What She Said.
Izdabes@emerah someone has on some purple prada sports" on - right next to me. I've been swaggered!"about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Don't Be So Blue.
i think you are afraid of the truth. copy and paste that link and check out your fashionista. lol. amber rose = store bought . can i get a response pls
So Anonymous you've got my undivided attention. Okay yes, I do post on Amber Rose a lot I can't help it.
And we all have our off days at some point, let's be real.
So because You (anonymous) can't stand her look at her some more until you love it.
Think About Her, Think About Her, Think About Her........
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What Lil Kim is Responsible for.
Her following has most certainly FOLLOWED HER....
Umm No.
Sorry It's not effective anymore, am I the only one that doesn't get it...Undrcrwn this is not the 90's anymore or 2005 for that matter.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Beyonce: Maybe now that your here Amber, hoodrats will stop copying my style and wearing massive amounts of weave which you know can smell at times.
The Time Has Come.
So If you heard maybe you didn't, but VIBE magazine has now folded. What a sad way to go VIBE, you've got Fat Neck and Fuck 4 Tracks as your last cover.............
Can You Spot The Louis?
This guy is named Trey Tymes, please don't take this as a diss. Hey for all I know these are probably his off days in these photos. The mistake that many young black guys make, who come into money is abusing what they think is fashion. We've already discussed that Louis Vuitton isn't a fan of the "Dark Ones", so there is no need to take it there again.