Saturday, May 16, 2009

Take Heat When It's Thrown.

When you don't look the part (looking like everyone else) regardless if it's in your physical features, your style, your dialect, whatever that sets you apart from the rest. You gotta be prepared to take the good and the bad, you'll get people that like your style and will be quick to tell you that your doing it. And then you will have people that will be caught off guard and will do the same, only this time they're pulling your card and playing you. Always remember that your reaction matters the most, your reaction shows the kind of person that you really are. People that can't see life no other way but their own, are usually narrowed minded ignorant fools. And I'm not saying Ignorant in a bad way, Ignorant meaning they just haven't discovered anything pass their block. So to arguing with people that are foolish, shows that you are just as foolish to argue with a fool. It's until that fool puts his/her hands on you is when you start checking asses.

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