About a month ago my very good friend Frances Bradley. Told me about a murder/rape that happened to a local waitress in Philadelphia at a bar called the PYT. Immediately I was upset and confused, I guess being raised by women and having many female friends. I can't imagine why a man would do such a thing. I wanted to know her race, what she did for a living, what kind of person she was. I wanted to make a quick conclusion, to why someone would do this to her. I've always been a firm believer in calling negative attention to yourself. So I just needed to know, what this girl did to bring such a negative energy to herself that would cost her, her life. Please don't take this post the wrong way, I'm not saying that it was her fault. The circumstances are just so dramatic that it just leaves me with a big question mark in my head. Like what was going on in the boy's head that he would do this? Oh yes this is an 18 year old boy by the way if you can't tell.
How do you go from, wanting to steal some one's bike. To raping her, beating her, and then strangling her with her own bra? With rapist and just many men in general, sex is about domination, the conquering of something that you felt you could never conquer before. We live in a place, where some people call this a man's world. We live in a place where acting like a girl is an insult. I don't have any male friends that are like this, because I'm a firm believer that we are all equal, and also you ARE WHO YOU HANG OUT WITH. I speak highly about this because I know that if this were to ever happen to someone that I love. I can tell you this people, I would lose my mind and comb the streets, hunt you down and take your life. I hate bully's, I hate people who try or do use their power for evil.
Philadelphia is an extreme place for the extreme of balance. Very beautiful and Very ugly. You can achieve so much there, and then lose it all at once. When I first moved there back in 2001, I had a dream that the devil had destroyed the city and everything was red. I knew I had to leave when the energy between me and other people had completely boiled over, and I was getting tired of those around me. My energy had been almost drained, I was losing my power.
Sabina only lived to be 20 years old. For me I want to live to be 126 that is my goal. So 20 is still basically an infant in my eyes. She lost her life because someone looked at her as weak, it brings sadness to my heart to have to type that. She was small and innocent looking, however I bet when he tried to take her bike, he was surprised that this small person more likely had a serious bite. Which enraged him and made him take things to the extreme.
I leave this post by telling all women this. The world that we live in makes it seem like you are weak individuals who need a man to help you throughout this rough life. That is a lie, you are just as strong, and just as smart and just as much the leader than the human with the penis. You are God's not Goddesses, but God's because you more than any man, truly understand life because you have the ability to grow it inside of you. Never give up and continue to fight, and never level yourself to a man. You are you and that is the greatest gift of all.....peace.
thanks for writing this post. more people need to be of this mind. I think that in some ways, the feminist movement has complicated societies ability to recognize women as "gods", not goddesses... too bad.
I agree with your feelings about philly, and about knowing when it's time to leave a place.
Also, "you are who you hang out with." so much truth in this. it is crazy to outgrow ppl you love.
Its a shame should of had a gun
I love you and am grateful to call you my best friend.
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