The video is even more insane than the picture, this is what we (not black people) but we as humans act when we have greed and gluttony in our systems. Shit Im just as poor as many of these people here, so it's not about class. Can you imagine if there gets to a point where we would be ever fighting for air? Do you see a line? I certainly don't, I just see a bunch of individuals some who I bet don't even need section 8 housing, they just want cheap rent. Honestly I can't blame them for wanting it, shit we all would like cheaper rent. Especially living in the bitten apple, where just about everything is expensive. But there should be a point were, someone should say, this is ridiculous.
What's sad is that it will be something that, I'm sure someone BLACK will say. "See this is why no one take us seriously, because we act like a bunch of niggers". No you and I or whomever reads this blog black or white, are not these people. You see the images and videos of Hurricane Katrina and now this, and some of you group us together. Those people in Atlanta and those in New Orleans are from Atlanta and New Orleans. They make up a very small percentage of "black" people in Amerikkka. Yes if you combine the 120,000 people from N.O. and the 30,000 from ATL you get 150,000 people that are black which is still a small percentage believe it or not.
This also shows why at times it can be dangerous living in Section 8 housing, because you have people that live around you like this. You drop a dollar and you'll have ten people fighting you for it. It has nothing to do with being poor, it's more about your mentality and who you really are. I live across the streets from the projects and back home in D.C. I live next to a section 8 house. What's sad is that these places seem to gravitate towards the most greedy individuals that I have ever seen. I've never in my life witnessed people that enjoy doing nothing but sitting out in front of my Apt complex. Drinking, smoking weed, and gossiping and these are mostly grown folks. Like your mother and grandmother and of course your young dudes too. You'd rather sit and collect welfare checks than really contribute to the world.
Like yall I've really had a conversation with someone who told me. That when they see a girl living in the projects with more than 5 kids, they see them as rich? Yes.....They see them as rich? I heard this once before when I was living in Philly, but I just thought dude was high and didn't know what he was talking about, but yeah this is how it is. The more kids you have the more money you get from the government. Meanwhile you have the struggling single person, that has major plans for themselves and their environment doing the best they can but can't get any work. Have to get denied for cash assistance because they don't have a "family"....this place sucks