You are not an independent woman, when your dude is making all the millions.
You are not an independent woman, when your dude is a millionaire and is paying 60k in child support every two weeks.
Why do these women have their own show?
Tiny is beyond a hood rat, she used to be so pretty until she started busting out chilren.
Then instead of a good ole work out, she decides that she is goin to have lipo. How I can tell, cause her waist is small but her neck still has rings around it, and she has a buff upper body.
B.E.T you all really don't get it do you? How about renaming the program to E.T. Entertainment Television.
As somebody who is black I don't want to be put in a box with Goons and Hood Rats.....sorry
correction: tiny has always, i repeat always been unfortunate looking. id ont ever want to hear another ignorant person say interracial children are cute. the kids she popped out with TI are even are little suspect.
and i wont start on black girls with blonde hair. if you're not an aboriginee or albino, stop
Xcape was an UGLY group, even Biggie said it. She wasn't the pretty one either. It was up in the air between Latocha or Kandi.
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