Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Twitter, Fcukbok, Myspace?
I can honestly feel like I can breath because I can write on here and I believe people have stopped viewing a page that hasn't been updated in 8 months. It feel's good to just write how I feel and say whatever and not get a text or call or shady attitude from those that are close to me. I can write, I have no limit. Im getting older and my friends are either married, bout to get married or in relationships. So this is my time to change up and start speaking how I really feel. Rather than hiding and being scared that someone will make fun of me or tell me no, or most of all tell me Im WRONG.
It's The Best I don't stop thinking about you. I dream about you quite often. And when I see your tweets I still gush to myself a lil... >
Damn it hurts that your no longer feeling me no more, it really does. But you did warn me and this world is round. I evoked the same energy to someone else and used them for my pleasures only. Knowing that I would get the same in return one day. Sometimes I feel like Im acting like them. Telling you how much I feel about you and you saying...yeah cool....ouch...
I guess it has to happen to me because if it didn't happen or happen again then I would be dead. And living is great so I hope that this times passes and I can get back to myself again, and not be so down and depressed and take care of the the road to my success.
You've hurt me so much and I can't take it. I can't move, I can't eat, I can't.......
I wonder how you feel about me, I hate to say it but your a liar. I don't know what to believe out of your mouth which leaves me so perplexed and caught up.
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010
Remember I did a post about Nightmare on Elm Street Remake? Well sadly to day after waiting damn near a year, it wasn't all that I hoped it would be. If I could post pics trust me I would, but I can't and I'm not pressed to neither. Now when I say the film was some shit, this is my opinion, you might actually like the film. But for me they downplayed ALLLLLL the famous scenes and did basically a new movie. There were some things in the film that struck a cord and made me a lil happy but overall nothing to brag about. Im upset because Michael Bay was apart of this production, and personally I think he is a cornball..but hey whatever. Check it out and see for yourself.
Then when you have some time check out Never Sleep Again on Letmewatchthis.com and get an in depth look at ALLLL the Nightmare on Elm street movies which I thought was GRRRREAT!!
Hurts.But I'm Maintaining. 2010
Well here we are finally in Gotham City, the place that I've always wanted to be. However the things that you acquire come with a price. Like when u gain something I've noticed you must also lose something. And can I say I've lost a lot, a lot more than I really expected. The New York dream is a bittersweet one at the moment. I've learned that I can't express myself clearly on the popular social networks that many of us have become victim too. Without being criticized or hurting someone's feelings.
Let's start with friends: Damnit I've lost some great ones I must say, some very inspirational ones that even though we no longer talk, I still highly love.
Love: Sucks and Im honestly done with it, it doesn't work well with me no matter how hard I try. It makes me ill and paranoids, those that I once dealt with seem like strangers although we are in different boroughs. Most recently getting involved and to become highly hurt AGAIN..DAMN...It's like an exctasy high, when it's HIGH it feels so RIGHT and GOOD. But then when it's over it's over and the low is LOOOOOOWWWW and it hurts so much. Relationships I've figured don't work because I think I don't express myself when Im Jealous, or Hurt, however I do express when Im in love and when you express just one. I guess it can come off as sleazy or lazy.
Work: Work has been a hassle even though I am working, Im still at a point were Im not happy at all and TODAY as of 5-23-10 Im making those changes multitasking as I update my long over due "blog".
Living: Being in Philadelphia for so long took me out of the hype of being in "The City". I know that if I wasn't in Philly for as long as I was, I would have been one of those wonderers that walk around aimlessly not knowing what to do next, just being caught up in the city living.
Creativity: My creative levels are through the roof. I got up with another awesome film director who genre is mine (horror) and I've been on it people or person or just me whoever might read this. I'm stepping into my own and not around the negative that was really bringing me down...peep the old post to know what Im talking about.
I've stopped smoking weed, I don't drink and I've gotten back to my old self again. The way I used to be before leaving home on July 5th 2001 to never return again. I no longer have to say "What did I do before I was smoking, for fun or just plain ole creativity".
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