Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cause You Must Know Everything I'm Wearing:
One thing that I don't get is why many people tend to take pictures of their entire outfits, and then post it on whatever social network that they may be on. But rather than just posting up the picture,they label each article of clothing and some have the nerve to also tell you how much each piece is. These are the people who try to much, even those who have made it in the game and are at the top of what they do, are still trying to hard. Let the style speak for itself, in these new times that we live in, labels are so tasteless now. It doesn't make it hotter because it's YSL, D&G, PUGH, or V&R. It just makes you look easily amused.
Black Movies:

With this type of laziness you will never win that Oscar or get any where ahead in the game..(.KELLY ROWLAND) Being apart of this type of shit shows that in your career you have stepped it way more than you just a couple of steps. Let's try to be creative please, and note, there is a fine line between creative and tacky. But what kills me is like everybody seems to using the same photographer/graphic designer. Yall Motherfuckers need to stop paying him/her cause DAMN...they almost look like bootleg movies you buy from some dude in the subway. You couldn't pay me to kill my career like this.
Are We (Black People) Tired of This yet?
It's no mystery that black people have to be the majority in the sales of Louis Vuitton real or fake. But I'm like done yesterday with this monogram shit, every other person in the hood or in the celebrity world got one of these and can't wait to show it off once they get one. I personally don't think that you are "killing the game" when you parade around town with one of these. And to all my black people reading this, others can continue reading as well.. Naomi, Pharrell and Kanye have been the only black faces in any of Louis Vuitton ad's in many many years, do your research to see what I'm saying. And let's get on a new designer it's 2009 LET IT GO PEOPLE...I mean look how cheesy it has become....I don't care if it's classic...I don't care just stop it and move on.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
To My Followers
To all 3 of my followers I just wanted to say thank you, all you guys mean so much to me and thank for taking part in the journey that is life..Also My internet is messing up really bad, partly because I'm stealing service from someone,so bear with me.
Dreams of Old New York:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Looks like shit hit the fan yall. All yall Pork eaters out there done caught some Pork clap and now it's killing all us good Muslims...I blame the Christians for all this shit. But really what I think this is, is a way to throw shit on the OBAMA name. SWINE FLU? We all know the weather has been very questionable, and questionable weather usually causes what.........the flu...but they wanna fake kill people and give the flu a first name. only to see if OBAMA can SAVE the world, until I know someone with that shit or knows someone who knows someone, I'm not believing it. You should see the news and how they are making this shit soooooooo dramatic and what I've noticed is that, they don't tell you at all how the SWINE FLU is spreading. To me it just sounds like the regular flu situations that have always been.......AMERICA BE ON THAT BULL SHIT......SO NOW MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT EATING PORK, RIGHT? I would be scared to eat something that is named after and epidemic that is "killing" people.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Power of the Social Network
If they haven't changed their default pic on Myspace, that's because they said fuck Myspace and are now and forever on FaceBook....dunt dunt duuuuuunnnnnn
Your Killing Me Son:

Okay so seriously grown men in the District need to take chances when they go out. Stop wearing stripe button downs, jeans rolled up at the ends with fake TOD's on or some kind of Diesel sneaker from 2000. I went to this club tonite called Tuscana's and the women were dressed really nice, my only problem with them was if your going to wear heels, wear the heels. If you have to take them off at the end of the night, and walk around on the NASTY ASS ground, because your feet hurt then don't bother a flat won't hurt you. But tonite yall these grown men had on either the button down that Jay-Z told them to wear in 2003, or Affliction shirts. That is all I saw tonite... (sad face)... I call those SAFE OUTFITS. You know what I mean, just in case there's a dress code I should be okay cause I looks casual. Many of these dudes came in looking like they just left there government office job and came straight to the club....SAD.. D.C. is known however to be very siditty with it's night life, which I feel can kill the thriving city of Chocolate and Obama. Going out is about showing off your outfits and basically making a silent performance. But me and my girl Melanie just had a good time and gave it to these BAMA ASS niggas. I even saw some fool in there with White on White Nike Air Force One's? And I was like, "you would have been the shit in 1995". But that's not the half, I also saw yet another fool in there with the fake Prada's on, you know the one's made by Fila which were endorsed by Hurricane Chris...yes those. And why are so many black dudes still rocking those old ass Prada's that JaRule wore ALL THE FUCKING TIME in 2000? Are they really still that appealing? Am I the one who is behind, and doesn't know what is going on today? Help me the fuck out cause I'm confused.
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Okay here's the deal everyone should know by now that I LOVE fashion, it's not a secret anymore. Yes there will be times when I will splurge large amounts of money on something that I like, and then pay for it by not eating right for the next two weeks...but hey I'll look fly while I'm starving so fuck it. But when I do buy something that is you will know that it is expensive. Not some regular shit, like for instance this Margiela shirt. I went to Georgetown on a good day this past Friday, and me and my mom decided to go into then Barney's Co-op store just to browse. I go down stairs to the department for men, and I see the area for Maison Martin Margiela wear. So I dally on over just to see what I could find....I see this shit that cost $245.00? Are you kidding me? I pay top dollar for things that I can't make,not something were I can easily go to my girl Jasmine a.k.a. Eklektik and say "here are pieces of fabric now make me a shirt". He had a lot of basic shit in there for extreme prices,I mean I was totally taken back on the fact that none of his crazy shit was displayed...but whatever..People will try to get over on you in a heartbeat in order to make a couple of hundred dollars. The unfortunate part is that someone who's got "SWAG" will buy this shit, and walk around looking like the Best Dressed idiot in the world. People... look.. labels are just that labels, and I know many of us had parents that advised us when we go shopping to not buy a name, this is where the fashion know hows and the fashion victims differ. If I'm paying top dollar believe me that shit won't be basic or easy to make. He also had white t's..YES...White t's yall that cost over $ gots to be kidding me...right? I don't care what kind of fabric he used, it's still a white t and you should be ashamed of yourself Barney's C0-op for carrying such disgrace.
Niggy Tardust a.k.a Saul Williams

I always love it when people break out the box and go for what they want, rather than live up to the expectations of other people (cause that shit will make you go crazy, KANYE). Fuck other people do you, I was introduced to Saul Williams back in 1997 when he filmed his first film SLAM which was shot in Southeast D.C. Who knew it would all turn into this, you can't deny this fella. Plus him a Persia make an interesting couple, they fit on the lines of Dita and Manson (rip), Nas and Kelis, and.....I can't think of anybody else. The issues that he throws in your face is what always makes me say YEAH!! When I listen to Niggy Tardust.
Dear Melody;
My Father Reincarnated:

I have such a love hate relationship with the fashion industry. Where they segregate still, the fashion industry can SOMETIMES be leveled because they embrace what is not "normal" and make it work..This is Shaun Ross he is clearly an Albino model and an advocate of human rights. He is the one that put me on the devastation that is happening to Albino's in Tanzania...keep it coming dude.
No More Styling Mom....Please:
So I decided to go home and take care of some much needed business, the time starts now for me to get ready for my move. My mother being the wonderful lady that she is, bought me some clothes because she said that "I look dirty"....I know right....It's good to have people in your corner that have no problem telling you the truth. So she randomly leaves the house and comes back with a really big Marshall's bag with a hoody, some shirts, and some socks. I am so appreciative of the simple fact that my mother looks out for me, she was so happy that she only spent $30.00 for everything.....However Marshall's....yeah...You should see the shirt that she got me that she only paid two dollars for, when I try it on I understand why the shirt was so cheap, honestly I'm not expecting anything great from Marshall's. But the collar around the neck is so stretched out that I find myself constantly adjusting it to be in the middle. My mother is always buying clothing for me that is dirt cheap,she has always been this way and I do appreciate it, because even though I wouldn't by it myself I do wear it out of respect for her...on my off days of course. I can't blame my mom for not really understanding my style, but she comes from that time when paying $20 for a t-shirt makes her uncomfortable, but in this fashion game that is just the way it is. No I don't expect her to buy me anything by Margiela, Marc, or Westwoood because she will have a stroke looking at those prices. But what I do want accomplish with her is an understanding that everything doesn't have to be cheap, especially with menswear. When you buy something cheap for a man, it looks cheap, women can shop at "Mall Stores" and finds lots of good cheap shit (lucky fuckers) because women make up the economy. But Marshall's ain't kicking it for the dudes...well the ones that know their shit anyway.
Right now I'm watching Diddy live on twitter at Club Santos in NYC (where Harlan probably is right now). And I'm just curious as to what it is that he does now? He's always there posting live video, which is good to see I'm not going to lie. But where is the status of Bad Boy? people always say "Diddy be getting dat money" or "he bout dat paper". But are you really checking for Day 26? Do you watch MTB? Where is your Danity Kane CD? Do yall remember Cheri Dennis? If I'm not mistaken Cassie put a single out called "offical girl" like maaaaaaaaddd long ago, and I"m wondering when her album is going to drop. I feel like Suge Knight was right about him, he will sabotage your career. This nigga stay on somebody's track that he produces, aren't yall tired of that shit? I know I am, how about WE KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE, WE KNOW YOU ARE FAMOUS, WE KNOW YOU ARE DIDDY. You are not working hard because your groups are wack and you don't seem to know how to manage your artist....And can you please stop dressing Day 26 like Jodeci (circa) 1994. I'm really tired of seeing shades,black leather,and dolphin teeth all up in the videos of your artist......
Dear Ciara;

Please tell your team to stop being lazy and recycling old Beyonce looks from literally a few weeks ago..I know you or somebody in your team surf's the net like most of us do nowadays. So I know you have been keeping up on the entity known as Beyonce, let's be real, even if you didn't want to known you would know. Your white jacket say's Beyonce's Balmain jacket that cost like eleven grand, and those Louis Vuitton shoes that you are wearing...yeah Beyonce had those on a couple of days ago walking around NYC with Jay. Plus as an artist who has at least a million in the bank I can't help but wonder why you like to wear things that are trendy and stylish for everyday people such as myself. But with someone with access to many stylish pieces you opt for articles of clothing that are not effective. STOP FOLLOWING BEYONCE'S BLUEPRINT...YOU TOO ASHANTI, with your gowns and long big Texas weave, did you forget that your from Jersey?
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